Sunday, November 15, 2015

Two Days Before Touchdown in Haiti

Two days left, just the rest of today and tomorrow will be spent traveling to Haiti! You may not get it that I’m excited. You can’t see the angst and the joy at the same time. Sometimes a bit of anxiety comes to mind about going to a land so far away and ministering for just a few days …wondering if you will make a difference; wondering if the bags will arrive together; wondering how it will change me… and  so it goes...
Off to church now and will post later… you can tell, I’m excited, yes? Yes!
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I went to church today to enjoy the people of God. My Sunday School class of godly women rehearsed in my mind the beauty of being refreshed by each other and the word of God… it was a sword sharpening sword activity.

Before church was dismissed, they prayed for me. Oh the comfort of the prayers of the Body of Christ!! I will certainly bask in the remembrance of them as the heat presses down on my body; or the rain drops to the ground creating humidity that may bring weariness. When I walk into communities and see faces I don’t know, with problems I may not understand, or problems I may never face, I will be thankful that I am being prayed for to have wisdom to share God’s love to them in practical ways.

The bags are packed tightly with as many gifts as possible. The team has been commissioned to bring 500 pairs of reading glasses to share at an eye clinic we will participate in. Included in the suitcase are clothes to paint in, and gloves to work on any ongoing project. It will be a good time to remember Col. 3:17. “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Well, the hours are coming closer to take-off and zipping the luggage will be done in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Jackie,
    I have enjoyed reading your blog! You are embarking on a beautiful journey as you heed the call to serve those in need in Haiti. I will be praying for you and the team daily...... God's protection, power, and passion to love and share the gospel. Have an incredible time! Love you, Jackie!............JoVeda
